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Videos, speaking engagements, interviews
Occupy wall street, occupy money talk
The real possibility of Occupy Wall Street is not about physical occupation of a street, but about replacing the role that Wall St. plays in wealth creation.
We spoke at Re-Visioning Money Day on October 24, 2011 at 60 Wall St.
Thanks to Katie Teague for filming!
MIT-KIT webkit on ceptr
We gave this presentation at the invitation of MIT’s Kerberos and Internet Technology team. “Just a Spoonful of Ceptr” is an introduction to Ceptr , a low-level system for organizing computing and communications. Ceptr emerged from the MetaCurrency Project’s efforts to build platforms that enable systems to be resilient and distributed at the lowest level.
Currency Interview
An amusing and brief interview of some of us currency folks at the Impact Economy Summit
Deep Wealth Breakout Session Recap
At the Impact Economy Summit we had a breakout group exploring the concept of Deep Wealth that I had presented briefly. This is a brief report back.
Deep Wealth talk at New Economy Conference
Arthur and Eric do a post-monetary jazz ensemble at the Strategies for a New Economy Conference at Bard College - May 2012.
Economics 2.0 and New Forms of Measurement
Footage from the panel “Monetizing Intangible Capital” at the Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco, February 28, 2011
ELL Gratitude
This video is from the second year of Emerging Leader Labs sharing our gratitude with the people who supported us. August 2013.
Emerging Leader Labs - Seed Project
Summer 2012 Eric and I ran a gift-economy based social change incubator. It was awesome! Ben Brownell captured much of the spirit of it in this video.
Introduction to Metacurrency
Our first video/interview outlining the basic concepts of the Metacurrency Project.
Social Currencies and the Internet Kill Switch
Footage from the panel “Monetizing Intangible Capital” at the Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco, February 28, 2011
Value Creation and New Forms of Measurement
Footage from the panel “Monetizing Intangible Capital” at the Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco, February 28, 2011
Presentations & prezis
Colorado Local First
Colorado Local First - Introduction to the Colorado Local First Campaign from the Mile High Business Alliance.
Deep Wealth & How we Build it Together
A brief recap of the principles of Deep Wealth, how to “see” it and build it together.
Evolution of Productive Efficiency
Stages of Development of Economic Capacities and Ingredients
Just a spoonful of Ceptr
The presentation we used in our MIT-KIT Webinar. I recommend you watch that video to get voice narration about how this all works.
Local Flavors
Local Flavors - Recirculating Gift Certificates which support local business, build community and enhance neighborhood appeal and local flavor.
New Economy, New Wealth
New Economy, New Wealth - We are entering a post-industrial age with a very different economy and needs for a different view of wealth. What does this mean for us?
Transitioning to the New Economy
Transitioning to the New Economy - How your business can transition to the new economy.
Audio podcasts & more
Currencies for 21st Century Success
Marti Spiegelman interviews Arthur about deep value on her Awakening Value Radio show on Voice America.
Jerry Michalski interviews me about Alternative Currencies IFTF FutureCast Interview
The FutureCast series is a new way to track some of IFTF’s research-in-progress and join the behind-the-scenes conversations that help shape our forecasts in global trends, technology, innovation, health, and sustainability. These open conversations will be recorded and made available as podcasts on the Future Now blog.
Media squat with Arthur Brock on currencies
Douglas Rushkoff interviews Arthur Brock about currencies for a New Economy on his Media Squat radio show.
Publications, writings, contributions

Currency Resources Section for Life Inc.

Designing for Social Flows: Designing Incentives.
Find my contribution to Chapter 6 of Designing for Social Flows on Designing Incentives. It is still pending final edits and publication with Triarchy Press](/triarchy-press):
Personally, I wanted the book title to be “Designing Social Flows…” but others felt that was a bit to heavy handed. :)

Financing for Local Business
Pages 128-130 in Rethinking Money by Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne outline one of the Capital Programs that we’ve been building at the Mile High Business Alliance.
In the news
Need custom graphic… Articles, Blogs, Press…

Where the Game Layer Really Counts: Sharing & Peer Communities

Bernal Experiments With Local Currency

Gaming for Better Communities

Users for Sale: Has Digital Illiteracy Turned Us Into Social Commodities?

Regenerative Organizational Design - Jacki Saorsail

Integrity as important as profit at Dream Team Technologies
Thesis Presentation @ Emerging Leader Labs
M’Lissa (Roulson) Story did her Masters thesis using Emerging Leader Labs as a case study for Social Innovation Incubators. This is her presentation of her thesis. Okay, it’s not exactly news/press, but it’s actually kind of cooler. Somebody did a whole Masters thesis about ELL!
Documents and resources
Download these goodies…
- My Father’s research on the Economic Impact of the Arts (I’m just keeping it around online for search engines since the web site for his research lapsed after his death. There’s a bunch of good information in there.)
- Transitioning to the New Economy
- Tracks in the Snow
- The Metacurrency Project